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Quantum IQ

Smarter logistics. Better results.

Transform complex data into strategic insights with Unisys Logistics Optimization. This automated planning and disruption management solution augments traditional logistics planning to address high OpEx costs and missed revenue opportunities.

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speed of quantum

Logistics optimization offerings

Slash cargo planning time by up to 83%

Automate load planning to cut pallet and plane planning time by up to 83% and reduce OpEx costs with improved efficiency. The solution’s configurable rules engine enables you to build and load pallets with your most important metrics in mind, such as compliance, prioritization and revenue.  


  • Cut OpEx through efficient planning and optimized resource management.
  • Maximize potential revenue uplift per asset by improving space utilization.
  • Dynamically replan assets when disruptions occur.
  • Enhance sales planning with clearer capacity insights.
  • Jump-start value using custom rules and pretrained data models.

Deliver on time. Exceed expectations.

Ship smarter while balancing cost and timeliness. Our multi-modal routing solution analyzes shipment details, weather data and historical trends to offer savvy booking recommendations. When the unexpected happens, we help you pivot quickly, keeping deliveries on track and customers smiling. 


  • Route shipments based on factors like cost and carrier performance.
  • Streamline booking efficiency with multi-modal routing capabilities as a standalone or integrated solution.
  • Maintain timely deliveries through proactive exception alerts and swift rerouting.

Store smarter. Ship faster.

Find and access your cargo with ease. The solution’s advanced algorithms and data-driven insights optimize how cargo is stored in your warehouses, helping you ensure items are strategically placed for quick access, reducing picking and retrieval times.


  • Maximize available space with intelligent cargo organization.
  • Minimize errors and lost items for better inventory tracking.
  • Boost customer satisfaction with faster and more accurate order fulfillment.

MAB Kargo's quest for air cargo efficiency

In an industry where every inch of space and every minute counts, the quest for efficiency and profitability led MAB Kargo to Unisys Logistics Optimization.

MAB Kargo
Block Quote
Investing in advanced technologies like Unisys Logistics Optimization is allowing us to cement our position as an industry leader. The solution's ability to replan in near-real-time gives us the agility to manage disruptions and maximize our assets.

Mark Jason Thomas

CEO, MAB Kargo

Unveiling: Unisys Logistics Optimization

Your supply chain is a complex ecosystem. Learn how combining advanced analytics, AI and quantum computing can help you realize efficiency gains and boost your bottom line.

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