Intelligence artificielle 

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Optimisation logistique

Maintenir les marchandises en mouvement – malgré les perturbations. Découvrez comment les modèles d’IA en attente de brevet utilisant des données en temps réel peuvent faire gagner du temps et augmenter les revenus en améliorant l’utilisation des capacités, la planification des itinéraires et la gestion des stocks.


The nature of work is changing. Let's evolve your business together. Future-proof your organization with consulting services from Unisys and advance as a digital-first entity.


Votre secteur vous distingue. Vous voyez clairement la route à venir. Rejoignons nos forces et transformons cette vision en réalité. Unisys apporte le savoir-faire technologique pour compléter votre expertise approfondie.

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Centre de ressources

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Curiosity, creativity, and a constant desire to improve. Our associates shape tomorrow by going beyond expertise to bring solutions to life.

Relations avec les investisseurs

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2021 Unisys Security Index™ United Kingdom

Key Findings in the United Kingdom

Internet security concerns jumped dramatically, up 18 points YoY to become the highest area of concern in the UK.


More than two-thirds of UK respondents are unaware of who to report scams to if they became a victim


Almost half of British workers are unwilling to share their COVID vaccination status with their employer


Almost two thirds of British workers are uncomfortable with their employer monitoring their log-in and log-out times when working remotely


Half of Brits are unaware of SMS phishing, and over two thirds don't know how to report scams

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News Release

The Hybrid Workplace at Risk: Brits Are More Concerned about Internet Security than Ever Before, Yet Nearly Half are Unaware of Mobile Phishing Threats

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In the new world of the hybrid workplace, we see very mixed reactions to employer monitoring and tracking. This often includes both monitoring on corporate and personal devices. Corporations therefore need to be very transparent and consistent in their communications with the workforce, to avoid a culture of reluctance and mistrust. More than a third of consumers do not see themselves as being primarily responsible for their own digital security – which highlights how many threat actors continue to be successful. A change in cybersecurity culture can mitigate a lot of risk for organisations.

Digital Workplace Solutions Strategy Lead, Unisys

A Regional Perspective

The 2021 Unisys Security Index was conducted in 11 countries across North America, Latin America, Europe and Asia Pacific. Click on a country below to dive into the local findings.

Let’s Talk!

Unisys experts are available to discuss the survey results and our suite of secure digital workplace and cloud solutions to navigate this new normal.

2020 Unisys Security Index

View Results