Intelligence artificielle 

Accélérateur de productivité. Catalyseur d’innovation. Collaborateur créatif. Quelle que soit votre vision de l’IA, Unisys fournit les solutions, l’expertise et les outils pour réaliser le plein potentiel commercial de votre entreprise.

Optimisation logistique

Maintenir les marchandises en mouvement – malgré les perturbations. Découvrez comment les modèles d’IA en attente de brevet utilisant des données en temps réel peuvent faire gagner du temps et augmenter les revenus en améliorant l’utilisation des capacités, la planification des itinéraires et la gestion des stocks.


The nature of work is changing. Let's evolve your business together. Future-proof your organization with consulting services from Unisys and advance as a digital-first entity.


Votre secteur vous distingue. Vous voyez clairement la route à venir. Rejoignons nos forces et transformons cette vision en réalité. Unisys apporte le savoir-faire technologique pour compléter votre expertise approfondie.

Témoignages clients

Découvrez des vidéos et des témoignages expliquant comment Unisys a aidé les entreprises et les gouvernements à améliorer la vie de leurs clients et de leurs citoyens.


Embarquez vers un avenir résilient grâce à l’accès à la recherche complète d’Unisys, développée en collaboration avec les meilleurs analystes et cabinets de recherche du secteur.

Centre de ressources

Trouvez, partagez et explorez des actifs pour soutenir vos objectifs opérationnels clés.


Curiosity, creativity, and a constant desire to improve. Our associates shape tomorrow by going beyond expertise to bring solutions to life.

Relations avec les investisseurs

Nous sommes une entreprise mondiale de solutions technologiques qui s’engage à stimuler le progrès des plus grandes organisations mondiales.


Nous travaillons avec un réseau de partenaires pour fournir à nos clients des produits et services de pointe dans de nombreux secteurs parmi les plus importants au monde.

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Investor Disclaimer

Welcome to the Unisys Investor website. Please read the information below carefully before using this site. By continuing on this site, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the following:

Forward-Looking Statements

Statements prepared by Unisys and made on the Unisys Investor Relations website that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from expectations. These factors are discussed more fully in the company's Securities and Exchange Commission reports, including its most recently filed annual report on Form 10-K and subsequently filed quarterly reports on Form 10-Q. All such forward-looking statements should be considered in light of these factors. ​

No Duty to Update

Information on this website speaks only as of the date that it was prepared. This information may become incomplete or out of date. Unisys makes no commitment to update such information.

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As a convenience to investors, the Investor Relations website provides links to information prepared by third parties, including -- but not limited to -- news stories, stock price information and industry analyst reports. By clicking on any of these links, you acknowledge that Unisys is not responsible for the content of such links in any way. The views, opinions, predictions or forecasts contained in such third-party content regarding Unisys are those of the third-parties alone, and do not represent opinions, forecasts or predictions of Unisys or its management. By providing links to this information, Unisys does not imply that it endorses or concurs with any opinions, forecasts, conclusions, recommendations or other information provided by such third parties.

Financial Outlook

It is Unisys policy to provide any financial outlook for future periods only at the time of a quarterly earnings release and related conference call and not to comment further on that outlook during the ensuing period except through a public news release.

If you have any questions about the content within this site, contact Unisys Investor Relations at