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5 Min Read

Full or flexible? Modern revenue management's answer to overbooking

janvier 30, 2025 / Jeff Smullin

Short on time? Read the key takeaways:

  • Advanced revenue systems balance overbooking with premium opportunities through real-time analysis of network data, driving smarter pricing before flight planning.
  • Integrated revenue management turns capacity planning strategic with connected systems that enable network-wide analysis instead of route-by-route decisions.
  • Successful carriers optimize networks, not just individual routes, with the help of AI evaluating scenarios across routes, customers and seasons simultaneously.

In an industry obsessed with filling every container and cargo hold to the brim, air cargo operators face a delicate balance. While overbooking remains standard practice for maximizing capacity, it can prevent carriers from seizing valuable opportunities when premium, last-minute shipments arise. 

Advanced revenue management systems are changing this equation, offering powerful tools that reshape how carriers think about capacity and pricing. Though many operations still treat pricing decisions and capacity planning as separate kingdoms, new technologies are breaking down these silos, paving the way for smarter, network-wide optimization. 

These revenue management systems can integrate with air cargo operators’ existing planning processes, giving flight planners the data-driven insights to transform cargo planning from a routine task into a strategic advantage. Let's explore how advanced revenue management is complementing traditional capacity planning. 

The potential of integrated capacity forecasting 

The industry's traditional approach — optimizing for maximum utilization — has proven effective for maintaining high load factors. However, this approach may limit carriers' ability to capture premium pricing opportunities, particularly in dynamic market conditions.

Consider these common challenges in air cargo operations:

  • When high utilization through overbooking prevents accepting premium spot market shipments 
  • When capacity allocation doesn't account for varying yields across routes and customers 
  • When connected routes suffer from suboptimal network-wide capacity distribution 

When carriers elevate capacity planning from a tactical to a strategic function, they can optimize their entire network rather than focusing on individual routes or shipments. But how does this transformation work in practice? 

Peak season dynamics: Revenue management in action

Revenue management systems are already helping carriers evolve their approach to capacity planning. An advanced revenue management system would analyze more than available space and basic revenue calculations when evaluating a last-minute shipment request on a busy route. It could consider factors like: 

  • Impact on existing customer commitments 
  • Network-wide effects across connected routes 
  • Historical and projected customer value 
  • Seasonal demand patterns 
  • Alternative routing options 

Making these sophisticated analyses possible requires fundamental changes to both infrastructure and processes. 

Foundations for success 

Implementing advanced capacity forecasting requires a fundamental transformation across two critical areas: 

1. Data and systems integration: Modern revenue management demands high-quality, real-time data flowing seamlessly across integrated systems. This means: 

  • Implementing comprehensive data streams, including:
    • Real-time booking and capacity utilization metrics 
    • Current market rates and competitive pricing 
    • Historical performance by route and customer 
    • Seasonal demand patterns and forecasts 
    • Customer priority and commitment data 
  • Creating a unified system architecture that:
    • Connects legacy systems with modern platforms 
    • Maintains a single source of truth 
    • Ensures secure data exchange 
    • Validates data quality automatically 
    • Enables rapid network-wide analysis 

2. Technology infrastructure: Modern revenue management demands sophisticated processing capabilities to analyze complex scenarios rapidly. Organizations need infrastructure that can: 

  • Scale with growing data volumes 
  • Maintain high performance 
  • Deploy advanced analytics tools 
  • Process multiple scenarios simultaneously 
  • Deliver actionable insights in real-time

Charting your path forward 

Reimagining revenue management as a strategic framework separates innovative air cargo carriers from traditional operators. Modern revenue management technology can help cargo operators balance utilization and opportunity. 

Want to maximize your network's potential? Our comprehensive guide, "Maximizing logistics profitability with AI," explores how an integrated approach to revenue management capabilities can optimize your entire shipment life cycle. 

Download the guide, read more online or contact Unisys today to begin your journey to strategic capacity forecasting. 

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