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6 Min Read

Reimagine your digital workplace with VDI-as-a-Service

novembre 9, 2023 / Unisys Corporation

Short on time? Read the key takeaways:

  • Enterprise technology advancements have reshaped work and collaboration. To stay competitive, organizations must adapt through digital transformation. 
  • Tech issues hinder productivity for remote and on-site employees alike. Weekly IT problems result in lost time, but the right technology and managed services can boost productivity and keep employees happy and loyal. 
  • VDI addresses IT challenges by simplifying onboarding and offboarding, improving device performance, and enhancing security. Using VDI or VDI-as-a-Service allows businesses to meet diverse user needs and lightens the daily workload for IT staff. 
  • Partnering with a skilled technology provider is key for a smooth transition to a digital workspace. A reliable partner offers scalable solutions, sidesteps supply chain issues, and streamlines your IT operations with comprehensive support. 

Part two in our VDI blog series. Read parts one and three.

In the dynamic world of work, businesses thrive by embracing change—from tech innovations to a shifting talent landscape and fluctuating market demands.

At the heart of this agility? A stellar employee experience (EX) that sets the stage for long-term growth. 

An essential aspect of fostering positive EX is delivering outstanding digital experiences. Insightful leaders realize that their commitment to enabling digital transformation is a critical component of an organization’s success, with failure to adapt resulting in a loss of specialized talent needed for long-term business growth.

But technological advancements (pre- and post-pandemic) have significantly transformed how people work, communicate and collaborate, leaving many companies struggling to keep up. So, how can enterprises ensure digital transformation efforts will meet employee expectations and market demands?

Including virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) as part of a digital transformation strategy is one way to facilitate a modern workplace that aligns with the new ways of working. What is VDI? It's a technology that hosts a desktop operating system on a centralized server, allowing secure, remote access and simplified IT management from any device. Let’s explore how to make it work for you.

Three steps for a seamless VDI adoption 

#1: Uncover your workforce needs and challenges.

To begin, create personas based on your workforce's diverse profiles. Understand the challenges they encounter daily. For instance, frontline workers who are always on the move might benefit from technology that matches their pace. Researchers may require cutting-edge, performance-driven tools to make breakthroughs, while producers may need a collaborative workspace rather than a confined desk. But irrespective of industry or role, research shows that 73% of the workforce is losing up to five or more hours per week due to IT-related problems. Addressing this widespread challenge should be at the top of any digital transformation to-do list. 

#2: Transform challenges into opportunities.

Once you've identified these challenges and needs, you can turn them into opportunities to improve your digital workplace experiences. VDI can be a great solution to secure your data while reducing reliance on physical devices. This model is particularly beneficial for enterprises that employ contractors or seasonal workers, or implement secure bring-your-own-device or choose-your-own-device policies.

By considering these solutions and use cases, you can leverage VDI to effectively tackle key workplace challenges such as new employee onboarding, proactive and reactive maintenance, device refresh and replacement, data recovery and contractor offboarding. Ultimately, your goal should be to deliver a positive and tailored experience for each individual, especially new hires who may be forming their first impression of your company.

#3: Partner for success.

Now, take your efforts one step further. Address the needs of your workforce and transfer the IT burden to a trusted technology partner that can deliver with scalability, avoid supply chain pitfalls and enable flexibility in your IT spend. Plus, a strategic technology partner can flatten your complex IT footprint by acting as your single point of contact covering the end-to-end digital workplace ecosystem. 

The future of work: embracing digital transformation 

VDI offers a powerful opportunity to transform not only your digital workplace but your entire business. It can transform your workplace into one that empowers your hybrid workforce to maximize end-user productivity and helps HR leadership realize talent retention goals. In addition, incorporating VDI into your business can help streamline your operations while enabling greater flexibility of your IT spend by normalizing your costs into a more predictable budget. 

And with the guidance of a trusted partner, you can embrace the benefits of VDI without the worry of securing the staffing to make the magic happen.

Don’t miss part three in this VDI blog series, which deeply explores best practices for successful adoption of VDI or VDI-as-a-Service and explains how Unisys can help.