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The nature of work is changing. Let's evolve your business together. Future-proof your organization with consulting services from Unisys and advance as a digital-first entity.


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Unisys client, Henkel, achieves IDC’s Best in Future of Work Award

janvier 24, 2024


Unisys is more than proud to promote Henkel’s achievement as the Overall Winner at the 2023 IDC Future Enterprise Best in Future of Work Awards in EMEA. As a pioneer in the future of work, Henkel outperformed more than 600 organizations in 15 industries, proving its prominence in innovation, digital transformation and operation excellence. 

The award acknowledged Henkel’s project, Driving Digital Transformation and Creating Leading Digital Solutions at Henkel Worldwide, an initiative powered by Unisys. Henkel was well aware that its employee and customer needs are changing overnight and every night and that it must adapt ahead of them. Henkel chose Unisys to help accelerate this progress and empower its organization to make the future, not follow it. 
Beyond just addressing pain points, Unisys and Henkel implemented a plan to upgrade work itself, creating a collaborative, flexible digital workplace that is sustainable for people and the planet. With Unisys, Henkel upgraded its collaboration and communication, reduced its paper footprint, synchronized the service desk, established a robust security posture and rolled out innovations. Results rolled in with a CSAT employee satisfaction score of 95% and above, more than 600 managed meeting rooms, a 25% decrease in service desk incidents and a reduction in CO emissions.  

Employees now collaborate seamlessly from anywhere with all the right resources and none of the wrong ones. Henkel’s commitment to a progressive way of working is award-worthy, and IDC agrees. 

For a complete list of 2023 winners, visit  

Learn more about how Unisys helped Henkel establish itself as a responsible enterprise that brings the future to work.  

Read the client story