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Unisys Receives Dual HDI Awards for Customer Experience and Best Service and Support

BLUE BELL, Pa., May 28, 2024Unisys (NYSE: UIS) has received two HDI Global Service and Support Awards: “Best Customer Experience” and “Best Service and Support Manager.” These awards recognize the company’s Digital Workplace Solutions (DWS) team and their strategic approach to optimizing clients' customer experience, as well as Unisys Service Desk Service Manager Gilberto Sanchez for exceeding client expectations and exemplary performance. In 2023, the Help Desk Institute (HDI) recognized Unisys as a winner in the “Best Culture” and “Best Support Organization” categories.

"We believe that delivering service excellence is key to the implementation of any solution deployed in a company, and something our clients have come to know and love about Unisys,” said Joel Raper, senior vice president and general manager of Digital Workplace Solutions, Unisys. “It is our mantra to push the boundaries of what it means to elevate our clients’ business operations, and we are honored to be recognized by HDI for this commitment.”

The HDI Awards recognize the individuals, teams, and organizations that have achieved and maintained the highest standards of excellence in technical support and service management. Industry experts meticulously review each award application and bestow recognitions across various categories including the industry’s finest team, manager, analyst, desktop support technician, local HDI chapter officer, and more.

“Gilberto is a selfless leader who is relentless in his pursuit of growth for his teams and clients,” said Patrycja Sobera, global vice president, Digital Workplace Solutions Delivery, Unisys. His natural ability to self-motivate trickles down to his team and enables them to innovate and problem-solve freely, delivering successful outcomes for clients that stand out. This individual achievement is a reflection of Gilberto’s unwavering commitment to customer service.”

Unisys Digital Workplace Solutions empowers the workforce with the tools, solutions and services they need to work securely from anywhere, anytime, on any device. With solutions like Unisys Next-Generation Service Desk, organizations can give their digital workforce personalized technology services and transform the service delivery process from a technology-centered model to one driven by end-user experience.

About Unisys

Unisys is a global technology solutions company that powers breakthroughs for the world’s leading organizations. Our solutions – cloud, data and AI, digital workplace, logistics and enterprise computing – help our clients challenge the status quo and unlock their full potential. To learn how we have been helping clients push what’s possible for 150 years, visit unisys.com and follow us on LinkedIn.


Heather Gries, Unisys, +1 484-319-1404



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