Künstliche Intelligenz 

Produktivitätsbeschleuniger. Innovationskatalysator. Kreativer Mitarbeiter. Unabhängig von Ihrer Vision für KI bietet Unisys die Lösungen, das Fachwissen und die Tools, um das volle Geschäftspotenzial Ihres Unternehmens zu realisieren.

Logistics Optimization

Ladung in Bewegung halten – trotz Störungen. Erfahren Sie, wie zum Patent angemeldete KI-Modelle mit Echtzeitdaten Zeit sparen und den Umsatz steigern können, indem sie die Kapazitätsauslastung, Routenplanung und das Bestandsmanagement verbessern.


Die Art der Arbeit verändert sich. Lassen Sie uns Ihr Geschäft gemeinsam weiterentwickeln. Machen Sie Ihr Unternehmen mit Consulting-Dienstleistungen von Unisys zukunftssicher und rücken Sie als Digital-First-Unternehmen voran.


Ihre Branche hebt Sie von anderen ab. Sie sehen die Straße deutlich. Lassen Sie uns unsere Kräfte bündeln und diese Vision Wirklichkeit werden lassen. Unisys bringt das technische Know-how mit, um Ihr fundiertes Fachwissen zu ergänzen.


Entdecken Sie Videos und Geschichten, in denen Unisys Unternehmen und Regierungen hilft, das Leben ihrer Kunden und der Bürger zu erleichtern.


Begeben Sie sich auf eine Reise in eine widerstandsfähige Zukunft und erhalten Sie Zugang zu den umfassenden Forschungsergebnissen von Unisys, die in Zusammenarbeit mit führenden Branchenanalysten und Forschungsunternehmen entwickelt wurden.


Finden, teilen und erkunden Sie Assets zur Unterstützung Ihrer wichtigsten betrieblichen Ziele.


Neugier, Kreativität und ständiger Wunsch nach Verbesserung. Unsere Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter gestalten die Zukunft, indem sie über ihr Fachwissen hinausgehen und Lösungen zum Leben erwecken.

Investor Relations

Wir sind ein globales Unternehmen für Technologielösungen, das sich dafür einsetzt, den Fortschritt für die weltweit führenden Unternehmen voranzutreiben.


Wir arbeiten mit einem Ökosystem von Partnern zusammen, um unseren Kunden hochmoderne Produkte und Dienstleistungen in vielen der größten Branchen der Welt zu bieten.


Ihre aktuelle Sprachauswahl ist:


Aktuelle und ehemalige Mitarbeiter (Alumni)

Stay connected with our team and partners

Unisys values each of its alumni and understands that at times you may have a requirement to contact either Unisys or one of our vendors after you have left our employment. This site is intended to provide you with basic information that you may require and contact numbers where you will be able to obtain more specific direction. Information is available for the following countries. For any European countries not listed please email AskHREMEA@Unisys.com. For countries outside of EMEA please contact your local Unisys office.

Access information about:

Alumni Information

The list below provides the contact number and/or email address for the most common topics.

Questions can be directed directly with many of our benefit and service providers, please see the table below for the appropriate contacts:


For any payroll queries relating to current or former employment, please contact :


For all Unisys Consulting or Unisys Belgium associates who joined after 1st January 2015, please contact AG Insurance on the e-mail below :

For all Unisys associates who joined the pension scheme before 1st January 2015, please contact :

Pension Fund (Pension &CO IBP OFP / Unisys AV) :
e-mail : unisys@conac.be - website : www.conac.be

AG Insurance Classical : servicesEB@aginsurance.be

AG Insurance e-volulife : pension@aginsurance.be

Health care

For Unisys and UTS associates, please contact: Assurcard 

Unisys Stock Options & Restricted Stock Unit (RSU's) plans


0800 890 011 or 0500 890 011 when prompted to enter calling number, dial 1-800-544-0275 which will connect to a Fidelity stock plan representative.

HR Support (general)

For any general HR related queries, not covered in the contact details above, please e-mail our HR SSC : 


Retirement: Sun Life – Member Call Center – Tel.: 1-866-733-8613 | Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET
Health & Welfare: Manulife Customer Service – Tel.: 1-800-268-6195 | Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET

Vos questions peuvent être directement adressées aux différents organismes ou départements comme décrits ci-dessous :

Payroll - Paie

Département Ressources Humaines Unisys France

Association des anciens



L'Assurance Retraite
Tél : 3960


Tél: 0 825 010 014
ou Contact via :  www.mercernet.fr

Unisys Stock Options & Restricted Stock Unit (RSU's) plans = Employee Stock Purchase Plan Contacts : E*TRADE at 1-800-838-0908 (US) ou 1-650-599-0125 (outside US)



Natixis Interépargne
Tél : 02 31 07 74 00

Support RH (géneral)

AskHR EMEA@Unisys.com


Mercer Deutschland GmbH
Serviceteam Unisys : +49 211 44779 1816

Mercer Deutschland GmbH
Rentenverwaltung Unisys
Postfach 27 01 03
01171 Dresden

Questions can be directed directly with many of our benefit and service providers, please see the table below for the appropriate contacts:


By e-mail to : PayrollNL@nl.unisys.com


Please contact the pension providers directly :



Tel: 020-562 1100

De Nationale Algemeen Pensioenfonds


Email : deelnemer@denationaleapf.nl 

Tel: 088-663 0808

Unisys Payment Services & Solutions BV

De Amersfoortse
Tel: 030- 278 03 34

Health care


Tel: 010-448 85 29


0900-369 33 33

Zilveren Kruis   


Unisys Stock Options & Restricted Stock Unit (RSU's) plans


0800 890 011 or 0500 890 011 when prompted to enter calling number, dial 1-800-544-0275 which will connect to a Fidelity stock plan representative.

HR Support (general)

For any general HR related queries, not covered in the contact details above please e-mail our HR SSC:


The list below provides the contact number and/or email address for the most common topics.

Questions can be directed directly with many of our benefit and service providers, please see the table below for the appropriate contacts:


For payroll related enquiries please contact our payroll partner directly

Phone : +34 902 013464
UTS : 
Unisys : dasilva@seresco.es

If you need further help please contact our local Unisys payroll representative :
Phone : + 34 91 131 15 55


For all pension related enquiries, please contact Santander directly on the details below, providing any membership details that you have available

Phone : +34 91 289 03 82

Health care

For health care related enquiries please contact Mercer who manage the scheme:

Phone: +34 915 142 723

Life Assurance

Mercer also manage our Life Assurance arrangements:

Phone: +34 914 569 439

Unisys Stock Options & Restricted Stock Unit (RSU's) plans


0800 890 011 or 0500 890 011 when prompted to enter calling number, dial 1-800-544-0275 which will connect to a Fidelity stock plan representative.

HR Support (general)

For any general HR related queries, not covered in the contact details above please e-mail our HR SSC: 


Questions can be directed to many of our benefit and service providers.
Please see the table below for the appropriate contacts:

For internal associates, submit a Workday help ticket
For external (previous associates), contact payroll:  UKPayroll@unisys.com
Pension – Defined Contribution

01737 230 483
Or, if you are not a member of LifeSight contact Fidelity
Email: Pensions.service@fil.com
Telephone: 0800 3 68 68 68

Pensions – Defined Benefit/Final Salary - Unisys Pension Scheme

Email: pensionhelp@mercer.com
Telephone: +44 (0)330 102 8653          

Private Health Care Scheme

0800 294 5188 

Unisys Stock Options & Restricted Stock Unit (RSU's) plans

0800 890 011 or 0500 890 011 when prompted to enter calling number, dial 1-800-544-0275 which will connect to a Fidelity stock plan representative.

HR Support (general)


Employment Verification
(reference requests) 


Unisys Limited gender pay gap data 2023 to 2024

Unisys Limited is pleased to publish its gender pay gap data for 2023 to 2024.

1. Difference in mean hourly rate of pay – mean 1.9%
2. Difference in median hourly rate of pay – median 2.5%
3. Difference in mean bonus pay – mean 14.78%
4. Difference in median bonus pay – median 27.04%
5. Percentage of employees who received bonus pay Male
6. Employees by pay quartile Male Female
Upper quartile 87.2% 12.8%
Upper middle quartile 83.0% 17.0%
Lower middle quartile 81.9% 18.1%
Lower quartile 84.2% 15.8%

Please note that benefits services are available from one of our many providers.

US Payroll Information

Please note that payroll services are available from one of our many providers.


U.S. Alumni Other Information​

If you need to update your address, request records from your personnel file, or simply refer to what employee discounts are available to you, please see the list below.

U.S. Discounts

Services and discounts are offered to former Unisys employees and their family members. You and your family members can access the Services and Discounts website at www.beneplace.com/unisys.

On the website - administered by Beneplace© - you can find savings, however not all vendors on the site are authorized to offer discounts to former employees, as an example; Liberty Mutual Insurance, AT&T and Verizon. The website is available 24x7, from any computer with Internet access.

What is an Employment Record

Employment records can include but are not limited to personnel files, benefit records, payroll records and other official company documents.

How to Access Records - Post Employment

A request can be submitted to access employment records up to one year from the employee's last day worked. After that date, the right to access your personnel files expires, except as required by law. Requests should be submitted via email to HRSC@unisys.com with details indicating the specific types of records desired.

Requestors requiring hard copies may be subject to fees of $0.25 per page copied for this service, except where such fees are prohibited by law. Procedures for receipt of payment are administered by the HRSC.