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4 Min Read

Why enterprise data platforms matter in a cloud-first world

Februar 13, 2025 / Chris Arrasmith

Short on time? Read the key takeaways:

  • Enterprise systems house vast stores of structured data powering critical operations. 
  • The uniform data schemas enable rapid value creation through AI and analytics applications. 
  • Organizations can leverage existing data assets to more rapidly realize value in their AI pursuits. 
  • Success comes from maximizing value from structured data while embracing new technologies. 

Enterprise data platforms, from specialized industry solutions to broad operational systems, are far more valuable than many realize in today's cloud-first world.

These diverse platforms house one of your most valuable assets: decades of meticulously structured data powering critical operations. Their strength lies in vast repositories of uniform, well-documented information that continue driving modern innovation. Let's explore how organizations can realize this proven value while building toward what's next. 

Why established data platforms excel 

Some enterprise platforms have proven their worth through unmatched reliability and security. But their true strength lies in their role as data custodians, maintaining vast information stores that drive daily operations.

Several sectors continue to depend heavily on these data repositories: 

  • Finance and banking: Decades of transaction records and customer relationships 
  • Insurance: Historical policy and claims data that drives risk assessment 
  • Healthcare: Comprehensive patient histories and treatment outcomes 
  • Government agencies: Critical citizen and operational data 
  • Transportation and logistics: Historical routing and delivery performance data 

In an era of cloud disruptions, established platforms offer stability and scale. While newer systems may face performance challenges — from outages to data fragmentation — mature platforms excel at maintaining data integrity and consistent performance. This reliability, coupled with their structured data assets, positions them perfectly for modern applications. 

Capturing modern value

Decades of investment in data collection and organization are now paying unexpected dividends. As AI and advanced analytics reshape business, organizations are discovering new value in their existing systems. Here's how they're putting these assets to work: 

  • AI and analytics: Decades of organized data — from well-structured schemas to rich metadata — accelerate model development and improve accuracy. The combination of complete transaction histories, documented data relationships, and operational context provides training material that would take years to replicate.
  • Hybrid cloud environments: These platforms are secure data foundations in hybrid architectures with their proven data integrity and uniform schemas that enable rapid integration with cloud services while maintaining security and consistency. 
  • Business intelligence: Historical depth and structural consistency, combined with massive data volumes, enable statistically significant pattern analysis. Organizations can trace validated trends across decades and identify opportunities that require long-term, high-volume data to surface reliably.

Evolution over revolution 

Rather than rushing to replace established platforms, leading organizations are taking a measured approach that preserves their data advantages: 

  • Risk management: Incremental changes protect valuable information 
  • Continuous learning: Teams adapt based on practical insights 
  • Resource optimization: Phased projects balance preservation with innovation 
  • Data integrity: Maintain the value of structured assets 

Building on strong foundations 

Organizations succeed when they combine the strength of structured data with modern capabilities. Strategic integration preserves and multiplies the value of this information while opening new capabilities. This balanced approach builds on proven foundations while creating momentum for future innovation.

Learn how to evolve your mission-critical systems to future-proof your operations — without compromising your valuable data assets.

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