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8 Min Read

5 tips for state CIOs: Transforming citizen services in the cloud

Januar 2, 2025 / Unisys Corporation

Short on time? Read the key takeaways:

  • State CIOs and agency teams build success through active collaboration, moving beyond traditional roles to create shared technology visions that prioritize both innovation and compliance.
  • Cross-agency partnerships speed cloud adoption by aligning technical requirements, compliance needs, and citizen service goals while reducing redundant IT investments.
  • AI-powered compliance monitoring helps state agencies meet complex regulatory requirements like HIPAA and FISMA while securing sensitive citizen data in cloud environments.
  • Successful state cloud migrations, like the Georgia Technology Authority project, demonstrate how unified strategies across multiple agencies create measurable improvements in citizen service delivery.

The rapid evolution of technology and citizen expectations has accelerated the need for modern, online government services.

Today, state chief information officers (CIOs) are prioritizing technology advancements by focusing on building resilient and scalable digital government solutions. These priorities include significant investments in cloud services, cybersecurity, data privacy, and citizen-centric service delivery.

As part of these efforts, many government agencies are adopting comprehensive cloud strategies to streamline operations and improve delivery through cloud migration. 

Given the need, digitally transforming citizen services can be challenging as agencies pursue cloud migration efforts navigating compliance regulations, security best practices and individual departmental needs. Managing cloud compliance and security is a multi-layered endeavor that requires the best of technology and business leadership, knowledge and expertise.  

Due to the anticipated complexity of these projects, stakeholders must agree on priorities. Easier said than done if those priorities don’t align. How can agencies and IT overcome these challenges and successfully operate in the cloud to meet stakeholder needs? Here are five tips to help you start or advance your public sector cloud migration strategy:  

Tip #1: Collaboration is key

Given the time and learning curve associated with migrations and technology upgrades, industry-focused governmental agencies may sometimes view technology-driven CIOs and IT teams as obstacles. However, technological advancements can significantly improve agencies' efficiency and effectiveness, enhancing how citizens interact with government services.

The first step in a successful cloud migration is to align the priorities of CIOs and IT teams with those of the individual agencies. This alignment varies between centralized and decentralized IT teams. Centralized IT teams might limit agencies' access to the specific tools they need due to budget constraints, while decentralized teams can lead to inconsistencies in IT strategy across the government, potentially resulting in security issues and compliance gaps.

While these challenges may seem overwhelming, effective collaboration can bridge the gap between agencies and IT teams, fostering a more unified and secure technological environment.

Tip #2: Envision the cloud, together

Creating a cloud migration vision that will work for every agency and group involved is crucial to ensure a smooth migration while remaining compliant and streamlining change management once the new cloud system is in place. Having an agreed-upon, clear vision of what the cloud environment will look like is imperative to the long-term success of cloud migrations.

A “good” cloud environment will align with every team’s needs while meeting the technological standard set by the CIO. Some of those technical criteria could include the specific governmental compliance regulations each agency must meet. While regulations like HIPAA, CJIS, MARS-E and FISMA are great to secure and protect personal information, they add a new layer of security complexity to cloud migration.

In the present-day cloud ecosystem, there is an increasing focus on leveraging AI-powered compliance monitoring and threat detection to meet regulatory requirements and protect sensitive citizen data.

What exactly does a cloud environment need to look like to check those boxes? A concrete list of characteristics for regulatory compliance coupled with a unified cloud migration vision can create the blueprint for the cloud environment that will best fit your organization’s unique needs.

Tip #3: Lead and learn by example

Successful cloud migrations by other states and governments have created a valuable repository of best practices. For those having completed or are in the process of completing this transition, the rest of the pack is watching and taking notes. When one organization successfully moves to the cloud, it builds others’ confidence to do the same. Plus, when one agency with a government completes a migration, other agencies will know it will work for them, too. 

When agencies start their migration process, they might realize they need help. This is where establishing an effective collaboration environment, as suggested above, can pay dividends. Technology leaders and agency leaders who have worked with each other from an early stage will be better positioned to complete migration with less risk and difficulties, setting the stage for success and serving as a model others can follow.

Tip #4: Team up across agencies

Collaboration doesn’t only happen between the CIO and agencies. When individual agencies collaborate to align their cloud plans, it makes cloud migration an efficient process for the entire government.

Agencies can work together to create lists—such as relevant compliance regulations, workstream needs and data storage requirements—to effectively communicate their cloud vision with CIOs and speed cloud migration.

Leveraging cross-agency data sharing initiatives can also open opportunities for improved citizen services and reduce redundancies in IT investments. A great example of this approach is Georgia Technology Authority, which successfully unified its cloud strategy across multiple agencies. By fostering collaboration and aligning goals, it reduced migration timelines and enhanced system-wide efficiency, demonstrating the power of teamwork in achieving transformational results.

Tip #5:  Build your cloud migration strategy with expert guidance

While a cloud migration project for a public sector organization comes within a unique set of requirements, quality communication, planning and teamwork can ensure a successful cloud migration.

Third-party cloud service providers, such as Unisys, can also be invaluable resources during cloud migrations. An experienced service provider can serve as a backbone to support the transformation journey to a shared-services model that allows government agencies to serve citizens more efficiently.

Unisys’ advanced cloud migration framework now integrates AI and machine learning for predictive analytics, helping agencies proactively address challenges and streamline their cloud journey.

Learn how Unisys can help your organization simplify a secure cloud transformation process.